metaller than thou
Metal used to be about acceptance,friendship and a good moshpit. You weren't judged on how metal you looked but how metal your heart was. Now, however, it's a different story. To listen to metal you have to dress metal and have things like tattoos and piercings. Just because one does not dress like a metalhead does not mean he has not a heart of steel. Isn't metal about being yourself and not conforming to trends?
Also I find that metal seems to be splitting within itself, death metallers don't want to know heavy metallers and black metallers don't want to know death metallers. Isn't metal about uniting under the flag of steel? Because all I see is a broken community suffering from seperation. Metal needs to pull itself together.
Division is an essential part of unifying people. But we only hope that people will always unite under the inclusive flag of metal, not some exclusive sub-sub-genre.
I agree we should not conform to trends. Music is an universal language and it is not about looks. But it is good to define each type of music and sub genres.
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